Hydrocotyle L.

Stipules present Hydrocotyle
Leaves not peltate
Leaves undivided and with crenate margins, or slightly lobed (rarely more deeply than to the middle)
Fruit less than 3 mm wide
Flowers usually unisexual, 30–50 in open umbels. Male flowers distinctly pedicellate, pedicels 6–8 mm long, those of the females much shorter. Leaves orbicular-cordate, shortly and broadly 5–11-lobed, crenate, 1–3 cm diam. Flowering branches and both surfaces of the leaves hirsute. Stems creeping, rooting at the nodes; flowering stems erect or ascending, up to 12 cm high. Widespread. Moist places. Fl. spring–summer Hydrocotyle laxiflora
Flowers bisexual, sessile or very shortly pedicellate, up to 40 in small dense umbels.