Veronica L.

Herbs, sometimes rooting at the nodes Veronica
Leaves less than 25 mm long. Stems creeping and rooting at the nodes or, if erect, then up to 30 cm high
Leaves entire, finely toothed or with 1–4 pairs of small irregular teeth
Stems with scattered spreading glandular hairs. Leaves narrow-elliptic to spathulate, 3–10 mm long, 0.5–5 mm wide, ± sessile. Flowers solitary in the axils of leaf-like bracts. Corolla white to lavender, c. 1.5 mm long. Capsule truncate, glabrous 2–3 mm long. Herb to 20 cm high. Uncommon. Seasonally wet areas. Introd. from America. Fl. spring Veronica peregrine
Stems with minute antrorse hairs or recurved to spreading hairs, rarely glandular hairs present