Veronica L.

Herbs, sometimes rooting at the nodes Veronica
Leaves less than 25 mm long. Stems creeping and rooting at the nodes or, if erect, then up to 30 cm high
Leaves entire, finely toothed or with 1–4 pairs of small irregular teeth
Stems with minute antrorse hairs or recurved to spreading hairs, rarely glandular hairs present
Leaves elliptic or obcordate to orbicular, up to 12 mm long, opposite or the floral leaves alternate. Racemes terminal, leafy. Flowers on short pedicels. Corolla pale blue with dark lines, c. 3 mm long. Coast, e.g. Minnamurra Falls, Manly. Weed of cultivation and waste places. Introd. from Europe. Fl. spring–summer Veronica serpyllifolia
Leaves ovate to narrow-ovate or linear, 10–25 mm long, all opposite. Stems arising from a creeping rootstock, ascending to erect, unbranched or slightly branched, usually 5–40 cm high