Thelymitra J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.

Perianth segments similar in shape and size; perianth almost radially symmetrical Thelymitra
Lateral lobes of the column-wings terminating in hair tufts (Fig. 45 b)
Hair tuffs white, pink or blue
Column between the lateral arms tuberculate, dentate or fringed with glands
Perianth with spots. Flowers 30–40 mm diam. Plants c. 70 cm high. Middle lobe of the column papillose. The upper 3 segments with darker spots; segments up to c. 20 mm long. Column up to 5 mm long. Plants c. 70 cm high. Flowers few to numerous. Widespread. DSF and heath. Fl. Sept.–Nov. Dotted Sun Orchid (hybrids occur between this species, T. nuda and T. pauciflora giving rise to T. X merraniae Nicholls and T. X truncata R.S.Rogers respectively. Both have blue–purple flowers but show variation in the characters of the column.) Thelymitra ixioidesixioides