Rubus L.

Stipules narrow, fused to petiole at its base. Receptacle elongated. Hypanthium not enclosing achenes; an aggregate fruit formed Rubus
Leaves compound
Leaves palmate or with 3 leaflets; no leaves pinnate
Canes with or without hairs, if present then not red and bristly. Fruit black or red
Scrambling or trailing shrubs. Flowers in terminal panicles on leafy stems arising from primocanes. Aggregate fruit black
Canes with mostly glandular hairs. Leaflets distinctly paler underneath, elliptic to obovate, up to 8 cm long, acuminate. Flowers up to 3 cm diam. Sepals reflexed. Petals white or bright pink. Filaments longer than the styles. Upper Blue Mts and Illawarra region. Introd. from Europe Rubus leightonii
Canes with simple hairs, or with some glandular hairs mixed with simple ones, or glabrous