Pittosporaceae >

Anthers opening through longitudinal slits. Flowers white, cream, yellow, green or blue and pendant
Trees or shrubs sometimes prostrate but never twinning. Fruit a 2 or 3-valved capsule
Flowers in terminal lateral panicles; petals spreading from base of flower. Ovary prominently stipitate. Capsule strongly flattened Bursaria
Leaves consistent in size and shape. Sepals prominent. Petals 6–8 mm long.
Whole plant with soft appressed hairs. Mature style shorter than ovary. Fruit with 2 or 3 valves often woody. Inflorescence usually terminal. Mature leaves 8–12 mm long, 4 mm wide. Erect shrub. Wombeyan Caves area. Fl. spring–summer Bursaria calcicola