Lycopodiophyta >

Sporangia axillary and solitary in the sporophylls, often in strobili (cones) or borne in fertile zones along the stems. Lycopodiophyta
Sporangia and spores uniform. Ligules absent Lycopodiaceae
Stems with unequal branches almost throughout. Roots at intervals on the lower surface of the main stems. Main stems indeterminate but the branchlet system determinate. Leaves dimorphic with the sporophylls modified into distinct strobili
Strobili either pendent and terminal on the branches of the much-branched upper portion of the aerial stems or the strobili erect and lateral (or sometimes also a terminal one) on simple or several times forked aerial stems Lycopodiella
Strobili nodding at maturity, always terminal on the branches; lateral strobili absent. Sterile leaves linear-subulate, arcuate-ascending, 2–4.5 mm long, 0.1–0.3 mm wide; the margins entire; the apex cuspidate. Sporophylls broadly ovate, narrowing into a long cuspidate, toothed, apical portion; the margins ciliate-fimbriate. Plants usually subscandent, up to 2.5m long, with a widely trailing rhizome rooting at intervals. Widespread. Moist cliff-faces; railway cuttings; RF Lycopodiella cernua