Lasiopetalum Sm.

Staminodes absent. Petals scale like Lasiopetalum
Calyx lobes tomentose or pubescent both inside and outside
Leaves linear to narrow-oblong, mostly 3–6 cm long
Calyx lobes 3–5 mm long
Calyx lobes whitish tomentose inside, rusty brown tomentose outside. Cymes dense. Erect shrub up to 1 m high Lasiopetalum ferrugineumferrugineum
Calyx lobes reddish inside, pubescent but glabrous towards the margins, c. 5 mm long; bracteoles linear-subulate, not close to the calyx. Cymes loose. Erect or diffuse shrub 50–150 cm high. Coast and adjacent plateaus; lower Blue Mts Ss. Fl. spring Lasiopetalum rufum