
Style branched; capsules with more than 2 seeds per loculus Iridaceae
Perianth segments free or connate basally into a tube less than 3 mm long
Filaments not connate
Stylar branches neither winged nor petaloid
Perianth yellow or rarely blue Sisyrinchium
Perennial or annual with compressed or winged stems, up to 35 cm high. Perianth 10–20 mm diam., yellow or blue to purple. Capsule c. 6 mm diam. Sporadic in a variety of habitats. Introd. from America. Fl. spring–summer. Blue Pigroot Sisyrinchium iridifolium
Annual with only slightly compressed stems, up to 15 cm high. Perianth 5–7 mm diam., yellow. Capsule c. 4 mm diam. Widespread in a variety of habitats. Introd. from S. America. Fl. spring. (Previously included in S. micranthum and may be a subspecies of S. iridifolium.) Scour Weed or Yellow Rush Lily s. A. (