Hydrocotyle L.

Stipules present Hydrocotyle
Leaves not peltate
Leaves undivided and with crenate margins, or slightly lobed (rarely more deeply than to the middle)
Fruit less than 3 mm wide
Flowers bisexual, sessile or very shortly pedicellate, up to 40 in small dense umbels.
Fruits and flowers less than 15 per head, occasionally with 15 but then pedicels to 1.5 mm long. Petals wider than fruit at time of flowering
Leaf lobes rounded, lamina reniform-cordate, 1–5 cm wide, upper surface glabrous and shiny lower surface hispid. Stipules entire and overlapping. Petiole with long hairs just below lamina. Petals off white often with purple markings. Fruit smooth to tuberculate; sibs prominent. Stems creeping, rooting at the nodes. Widespread. Sheltered places. Fl. summer Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides
Leaf lobes acute, peduncles always shorter than petiole; lamina orbicular to reniform-cordate; margins crenate; lobes acute, shallow to deeply 3–7-lobed. Stipules entire. Petals yellow, green or purple. Fruit smooth, olive to brown, ribs inconspicuous. Fl. summer Hydrocotyle acutiloba