
Stamens as many as petals Crassula
Leaves mostly 10–50 mm long. Inflorescences leafless
Leaves more than 10 mm wide, ovate to broad elliptic.
Leaves obovate to broad-elliptic, with entire, often yellowish margins. . Petiole 5–25 mm long. Flowers in a terminal compound thyrse. Petals 4, reddish cream, 3–4 mm long. Ascending to decumbent, succulent, perennial herb up to 40 cm high. Naturalized near Sydney. Introd. from S. Africa. Fl. summer Crassula multicava
Leaves ovate with toothed, often reddish margin. .Petiole to 3 mm long. Flowers in a terminal thyrse. Petals 5 , white or tinged with red, star shaped, lobes 4–8 mm long. Prostrate perennial herb, stems up to 80 cm long. Naturalized. Not common. DSF. Introd. from S. Africa Crassula sarmentosasarmentosa