Calotis R.Br. >

Involucre usually hemispherical. Cypselas angular, sometimes winged, mostly as long as broad. Barbellate awns 2–several Calotis
Pappus of rigid awns alternating with an equal number of scales
Awns very finely but densely barbed along their whole length. Cypselas hairy. Cauline leaves cuneate, distally 5-toothed or occasionally entire, up to 2 cm long. Heads numerous in a dense cymo-panicle. Involucre hemispherical; bracts lanceolate to spathulate, entire, hairy. Rays c. 1 mm long, filiform, yellow. Cypselas very dark brown, cuneate, flattened, c. 2 mm long, hairy on each face and woolly towards the top. Pappus of 5–6 awns, c. 2 mm long. Prostrate or ascending annual up to 25 cm long, with white septate hairs. Widespread. Grasslands, open forests and roadsides in dry situations. Fl. chiefly winter. Bogan Flea Calotis hispidula