Calochilus R.Br.

Labellum 2–3 times as long as the other perianth segments, covered with long hairs Calochilus
Column with a dark gland on either side at the base
Column glands not connected by a coloured ridge or band or band present but obscure
Labellum to 35 mm long, clothed with calli and hairs for nearly all its length. Perianth green with purple striae
Labellum c. 20 mm long, narrow, becoming filiform towards the apex, densely beset with long reddish-purple hairs almost to the tip. Plants 20–35 cm high. Stem-bracts 2. Flowers 2–8. Woy Woy; Mt Irvine. Open forest. Fl. midsummer Calochilus gracillimus
Labellum c. 15 mm long, two smooth blue–purple plates at top; almost lanceolate, or with a short glabrous ribbon-like prolongation of the apex, rather sparsely beset with coppery red or reddish blue hairs. Leaf erect, 12–30 cm long, sometimes absent. Stem-bracts 1–3, 5–8 cm long. Plant up to 60 cm high. Flowers 7–15. Perianth yellowish-green with reddish-brown or purplish markings. Widespread. WSF. Fl. Sept.–Nov. Calochilus campestris