
Flowers in a one-sided coiled inflorescence. Style ± gynobasic; ovary lobed Boraginaceae
Herb or small shrub
Stamens not forming a cone around the style
Corolla without scales in the throat
Corolla orange-yellow; lobes 3–4 mm long. Articles 3 mm long or longer, transversely wrinkled, grey to pale brown. Leaves lanceolate; basal ones up to 20 cm long. Annual up to 1 m high. Widespread. Weed of cultivation and waste places. Introd. from N. America. Fl. spring. Fiddleneck Amsinckia intermedia
Corolla pale yellow; lobes 1–2 mm long. Articles less than 3 mm long, not or very weakly transversely wrinkled, brown to black. Leaves oblanceolate to lanceolate, up to 10 cm long. Annual up to 50 cm high. Widespread. Weed of cultivation and waste places. Introd. from S. America. Fl. spring Amsinckia calycina