Vittadinia A.Rich.

Ray florets in 1 row Vittadinia
Leaves broader than linear, 3-toothed if 3-lobed then more than 0.5 mm wide
Leaves entire or 3-toothed
Plant with ± hispid hairs
Cypselas ribbed on the surface
Cypselas with glandular hairs
Cypselas cuneate, 4–7 mm long, ribs continuing to the summit. Leaves up to 5 mm wide, oblanceolate to obovate, 10–25 mm long, ± folded along the midrib. Involucre 5–8 mm long. Rays blue to mauve. Widespread. Open forests, grasslands and waste places. Fl. most of the year Vittadinia cuneatacuneata
Cypselas oblanceolate, 6–10 mm long, , ribs converging below the summit. Leaves to 10 mm wide, oblanceolate, obovate to spathate, 10–30 mm long, often folded along middle. Involucre 8–12 mm long. Ray florets purple to white. DSF and grasslands. Fl. All year. Vittadinia cervicularis