
Climbers with leaf-opposed tendrils Vitaceae
Leaves simple or digitately 3–5-foliolate
Stigma minute, not lobed
Tendrils not dilated at the tip. Tall woody climbers Cissus
Leaves compound. Leaflets 5, digitate, glabrous when mature, shortly acuminate, coriaceous
Leaflets obtuse at the base, ovate to oblong-elliptic or very narrow-ovate, 5–8 cm long, entire or slightly toothed towards the apex, pale or glaucous underneath, finely reticulate; petiolules distinct, often more than 25 mm long. Cymes leaf-opposed. Flowers yellowish. Berry globular, bluish-black, 1–2 cm diam. Tall climber with rusty-tomentose young shoots. Widespread. RF and sheltered places. Fl. spring–summer Cissus hypoglauca