
Fertile stamens 5, no staminodes present Violaceae
Herbs sometimes woody at the base. Flower irregular
Lowest petal scarcely longer than the others Viola
Stipules small, translucent. Lower petal not broadly cuneate
Stems erect or decumbent but not stoloniferous. Lower petal spurred. Flowers without sent
Stems short, erect. Leaves basal, broad-lanceolate to almost ovate, cordate or truncate at the base, 2–7 cm long; stipules attached along the petiole. Petals purple or violet, 10–15 mm long; lateral ones bearded. Widespread. Open forest. Fl. summer Viola betonicifolia
Stems elongated, decumbent or erect, up to 30 cm long. Leaves ovate to circular, scattered along stem.