Stylidium Sw.

Column bent, with a trigger action when touched. Corolla usually red or pink Stylidium
Leaves tufted, basal or at the top of a short stem or scattered and in tufts along a sprawling stem
Leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate, almost flat, mostly more than 2 mm wide, 8–20 cm long, entire or denticulate. Corolla 5–10 mm long. Ovary ovoid to subglobular
Stems short; the scapes arising up to 1 m high from a basal tuft of leaves. Leaves without a prolongation at the base; stomata in bands on both ad- and abaxial surfaces. Labellum narrowing to an obtuse tip. Widespread. Heath and DSF. Fl. spring–summer Stylidium graminifolium
Stems sprawling and elongating up to 1 m long with leaves scattered along the stem but tufted at intervals particularly below the scape, with a basal abaxial prolongation; stomata in two bands on the abaxial surface only. Labellum broad-obovate. Widespread. Heath and DSF. Only on sandy soils. Fl. summer Stylidium productum