Stellaria L.

Petals deeply notched or rarely absent Stellaria
Stems glabrous or with hairs not in lines
Leaves not pungent-pointed, usually flaccid
Petals obvious. Flowers solitary, on axillary or terminal peduncles
Leaves linear, glabrous, sessile, 1–4 cm long. Branches long, weak, glabrous or scabrous. Peduncles usually longer than the leaves. Sepals 6–8 mm long. Capsule shorter than the sepals. Widespread. Swamps or wet places. Fl. spring–summer. Swamp Starwort Stellaria angustifolia
Leaves ovate to very narrow-ovate, very acute, often with undulate margins, rarely exceeding 12 mm long; appearing petiolate. Stems glabrous or almost so except at the nodes. Sepals 4–5 mm long. Petals somewhat longer. Capsule ovoid, usually exceeding the sepals. Stems often very long. Widespread. Margins of RF. Fl. spring–summer Stellaria flaccida