Sporobolus R.Br. >

Spikelets 1–2 mm long, dull green-grey, crowded in narrow spike-like panicles, awnless Sporobolus
Lowest branches of inflorescence not whorled (1 or 2 branches only)
Upper glume shorter than lemma
Inflorescence dense, narrow and spike-like; main axis hidden by the appressed branches except sometimes in the lower third.
Spikelets 2.1–2.5 mm long. Inflorescence 10–18 cm long; the branches stiff, appressed to the main axis. Tufted perennial up to 90 cm high. Coast and adjacent plateaus; Cumberland Plain. Weed in gardens and pastures; waste places. Introd. from S. Africa. Fl. summer. Parramatta Grass Sporobolus africanus