Setaria P.Beauv.

Bristles left on the rhachis when spikelets fall Setaria
Inflorescence spike-like, up to 15 cm long. Leaf blades less than 2 cm wide
Spikelets seated directly on the main axis, or apparently so
Bristles several below each spikelet
Inflorescence (including bristles) less than 10 mm diam.
Bristles 6–8 below each spikelet, 2–4 mm long, green. Inflorescence 2–10 cm long, 4–5 mm diam. (including bristles). Perennial up to 50 cm high. Widespread. Weed. Introd. from America. Fl. summer. Slender Pigeon Grass Setaria parviflora
Bristles 8–12 below each spikelet, 4–5 mm long, golden-brown. Inflorescence 4–6 cm long, 8–10 mm diam. (including bristles). Annual up to 40 cm high. Cumberland Plain. Waste places. Introd. from Africa. Fl. summer Setaria sphacelata