Senecio L.

Erect to ascending or rarely scrambling plants. Stipules usually absent Senecio
Erect or prostrate herbs or small shrubs
Florets ligulate and tubular
Rays yellow to whitish
Plant greyish throughout. Leaves silvery white, with copious hairs, spathulate, 6–8 cm long, sessile, toothed towards the apex. Involucre 1–2 cm diam.; the bracts silvery white, c. 20. Ray florets 15–22; rays 20–30 mm long. Cypselas up to 5 mm long. Pappus 14–15 mm long. Decumbent herb up to 50 cm high. Coast. Near habitation. Introd. from S. America. Fl. most of the year Senecio crassiflorus