Salix L.

Leaves linear to obovate; usually less than 5 cm wide. Flowers with 1 or 2 elongated nectaries Salix
Trees or shrubs not with a column shape; completely deciduous
Trees with one to several trunks 10–20 m high. Leaves linear to oblanceolate more than 3 times as long as broad. Catkins emerging with leaves
Trees with spreading or ascending branches
Twigs fragile at junctions, breaking with a snap. Leaves glossy green above, becoming glabrous on both surfaces
Leaf margins with course uneven glandular teeth. Leaves 6–15 cm long, glabrous from first; dark green above. Petiole with 2 glands towards the top. Male catkins 4–6 cm long, 10 mm wide. Rootlets red. Tree up to 20 m high. Widespread. Near fresh water. Introd. from Europe. Fl. spring. Crack Willow Salix fragilisfragilis
Leaf margins with many small even glandular teeth. Leaves silky but becoming glabrous on upper surface. Male catkins 6–8 cm long, 8 mm wide. Spreading tree to 16 m high. Widespread in riverbeds. Introd. from Europe. (hybrid between S. fragilis var. fragilis and S. alba var. vitellina) s. rubens