Prostanthera Labill. >

Subshrubs, shrubs or small trees, upper calyx lip with no protuberance Prostanthera
Leaves subtending flowers similar to the lower leaves or slightly smaller
Leaves flat (sometimes slightly recurved in P. hindii and P. junonis) concave upwards or with incurved margins
Leaves entire
Anther appendage absent but each cell with a basal swelling. Leaves ovate to narrow ovate, 10–25 mm long, 4–8 mm wide, glabrous, often with maroon midrib and margins. Calyx maroon, tube 2.5–3 mm long. Corolla 10–14 mm long, mauve with darker markings in throat. Erect shrub scarcely aromatic, up to 1 m high. Ranges. DSF. Fl. spring Prostanthera hindii