Prostanthera Labill. >

Subshrubs, shrubs or small trees, upper calyx lip with no protuberance Prostanthera
Leaves subtending the flowers or cymes much smaller than the lower leaves or reduced to deciduous bracts or absent
Leaves with margins variously toothed
Leaves with recurved or revolute margins
Leaves glabrous except for short rigid tuberculate hairs resembling minute prickles on the upper surface, ovate-lanceolate to narrow-linear, sessile or nearly so, 5–12 mm long, revolute, entire. Floral bracts ovate, acuminate, coloured. Calyx hirsute; lips broad, nearly equal. Corolla deep violet, 7–10 mm long. Straggling to decumbent shrub up to 1 m high. Frenchs Forest to Newport and Cowan. Open forests on Ss and shales. Fl. spring Prostanthera denticulata