
Each locule of ovary with 2 ovules, but only one may develop in fruit (previously Euphorbiaceae) Phyllanthaceae
Petals present Poranthera
Small, perennial shrubs
Stipules jagged. Plants 15–30 cm high, often minutely scabro-pubescent, with spreading branches. Leaves crowded, linear, with revolute margins, 6–12 mm long. Corymbs dense. Widespread. Heath and DSF. Sandy soils. Fl. spring Poranthera ericifolia
Stipules entire. Plants 30–100 cm high, with few branches. Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, flat or with slightly revolute margins, 1–5 cm long. Corymbs large, with long lateral branches. Widespread. DSF. Sandy soils. Fl. spring Poranthera corymbosa