Pelargonium L’Hér. ex Aiton >

Fertile stamens usually more than 5. Calyx with a spur adnate to the pedicel (almost obsolete in P. inodorum) Pelargonium
Leaves lobed or almost entire, covered with softly villous hairs or pubescent
Leaf lobes obtuse. Petals at least one and a half times as long again as the sepals
Fertile stamens 6–8. Hairs on the calyx softly villous. Nectary spur 2–8 mm long
Bracts ovate. Leaves distinctly undulate. Flowers sessile below the nectary spur. Shrubby perennial without basal stock and with cauline leaves. Sand dunes near the coast. Introd. from S. Africa. Fl. spring–summer Pelargonium capitatum