Papaver L.

Sepals 2. Petals 4 Papaver
Plant glabrous or some parts pubescent with soft hairs or short bristles on the main veins of the leaves
Leaves pinnatisect, not stem-clasping. Petals orange to red, often darker towards the base, c. 2–5 cm long. Uncommon on waste ground. Introd. from Europe Papaver dubium
Leaves lobed or deeply toothed, stem-clasping, glaucous. Petals purplish pink, 2–4 cm long, with a dark spot at the base. Peduncles with short stiff hairs. Capsule obovoid-oblong to almost globular. Widespread. Weeds of cultivation and waste places. Introd. from the Mediterranean. Varieties of the Opium Poppy