Oenothera L.

Floral tube extending above the ovary. Sepals 4 Oenothera
Corolla yellow sometimes tinged bronze-red with age
Flowers more than 2 cm diam
Hairs on the stem white to the base, scarcely swollen
Stems densely villous-pubescent
Cauline leaves obtuse or truncate at the base, quite sessile, up to 5 cm long, villous, obtuse or acute, dentate. Capsule cylindrical, up to 5 cm long, c. 4 mm wide, villous. Mostly coast. Weed of pastures and waste ground. Introd. from America. Fl. spring–summer Oenothera longiflora
Cauline leaves narrow-ovate to ovate or narrow-oblong, up to 7 cm long, tapering towards the base