Mentha L.

Stamens 4. Fragrant herbs Mentha
Cymes in the axils of leaf-like bracts
Calyx lobes with short hairs but not villous inside
Flowers numerous in leaf axils. Plants grey-green, villous with simple hairs. Leaves ovate to orbicular, 1–1.5 mm long; the floral ones smaller. Corolla lilac. Stoloniferous herb often rooting at the nodes. Coast. Escape from cultivation. Naturalized near habitation. Introd. from Europe. Fl. summer–autumn. Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium
Flowers in clusters of 2–6 in leaf axils, rarely more. Plants with multicellular or retrorse hairs. Leaves ovate 1–4.5 cm long. Corolla white, pink or mauve. Herb to 60 cm high, rooting at nodes. Damp or swampy areas on clay-rich soils. Widespread. Fl. summer–winter. Forest Mint Mentha laxiflora