Lepidium L.

Fruit notched at the apex (Fig. 40 i) Lepidium
Stamens usually 2, rarely 4
Fruiting raceme elongating, mostly more than 2 cm long
Pedicels hairy. Petals shorter than sepals or absent`
Upper leaves entire or shortly toothed
Hairs on the margins of the young leaves long, sometimes absent on the mature leaves. Fruit ovate to obovate, c. 3 mm long. Annual or perennial up to 70 cm high. Widespread. Weed of cultivation and waste places. Introd. from Africa Lepidium africanum
Hairs on the margins of the young leaves short, sometimes absent on the mature leaves. Petals reduced or absent. Fruit elliptic, c. 3 mm long, with a narrow notch. Annual herb up to 40 cm high. Coast. Uncommon Lepidium pseudotasmanicum