Ipomoea L.

Stigmatic lobes globular or the stigma capitate Ipomoea
Leaves 2–5-lobed or entire, not digitate
Leaves 7–10 cm long; entire or 3–5-lobed; apex obtuse to acuminate, bases cordate cm. Stems twining, ± hirsute with reflexed hairs
Corolla more than 3 cm long; white to purple-blue; petals ± glabrous
Sepals 14–22 mm long, lanceolate, acuminate, with soft ± appressed hairs. Flowers mostly 3–12 in cymes on axillary peduncles. Corolla bluish-purple, 65–80 mm diam.; tube more than 50 mm long. Bracteoles more than 10 mm long. Coast. Weed in suburban areas; margins of RF; gullies. Introd. from trop. Asia. Fl. spring–autumn. Blue Morning Glory Ipomoea indica
Sepals less than 15 mm long, lanceolate, scarcely acuminate. Flowers 1–3 together on short pedicels on axillary peduncles. Corolla purple blue to white, 20–40 mm diam.; tube 3–5 cm long. Bracteoles less than 7 mm long. Coast. Weed in suburban areas; margins of RF; gullies. Introd. from trop. Americ. Fl. most of the year. Morning Glory Ipomoea purpurea