Hibiscus L.

Stylar branches 5. Fruit a capsule Hibiscus
Shrubs or small trees. Calyx deeply lobed
Leaves with glandular hairs on the midrib
Stems pubescent and with prickles. Leaves oblong to cordate or nearly orbicular, irregularly toothed, angular or ± 5-lobed, 5–7 cm wide, sparingly hispid. Flowers in a terminal raceme, with a bract under each pedicel. Calyx densely hispid with rigid hairs. Petals c. 5 cm long, pale yellow, darker below. Capsule acuminate, very hairy, c. 2 cm long. Spreading shrub. Coast. Swampy places. Fl. summer H. diversifolius diversifoliusH. diversifolius
Stems glabrous or glabrescent except for prickles. Leaves linear to narrow-elliptic, entire or deeply 3-lobed, up to 15 cm long, nearly glabrous. Flowers on short pedicels in the upper axils. Calyx 2 cm long, densely stellate tomentose. Petals up to 7 cm long, white pink or yellow with a dark spot near the base. Capsule ovoid-acute, c. as long as the calyx, densely stellate tomentose. Shrub or small tree up to 6 m high. Coast and adjacent plateaus. Sheltered places. Fl. summer. Native Rosella H. heterophyllus heterophyllusH. heterophyllus heterophyllus