Helichrysum Mill. >

At least some of the involucre bracts with an elongated claw Helichrysum
Involucral bracts straw-coloured to yellow, sometimes tinged with brown
Involucral bracts obtuse. Involucre 10 mm diam., rarely more than 20 mm
Heads solitary on almost leafless peduncles. Leaves oblong, lanceolate to linear, acute or mucronate, stem-clasping, up to 5 cm long. Involucre hemispherical, c. 10 mm diam; bracts in many rows. Cypselas glabrous, 1 mm long. Pappus hairs 3–4 mm long. Perennial usually decumbent hairy or woolly. herb. Widespread. Grasslands, WSF, margins of RF. Fl. most of the year Helichrysum rutidolepis