Grevillea R.Br. ex Knight

Anthers sessile not versatile. Fruit a follicle Grevillea
Leaves entire. Racemes short and umbel-like
Gynophore less than half as long as the style
Gynophore almost as thick as ovary, with a tuft of hairs. Leaves narrow elliptic to linear, 0.8–4 cm long, 0.8–3.0 mm wide, sometimes pungent, margins recurved to revolute. Racemes terminal, 4–12 flowered. Perianth glabrous outside, pink and cream, or whole pink, green, yellow, cream or orange. Erect to low spreading shrub to 2 m high. Kowmung and Hartley area. Open forest, woodland and riparian communities. Fl. winter–spring Grevillea rosmarinifolia rosmarinifolia