Gamochaeta Wedd. >

Cypsela with globose hairs. Involucre bracts with firm ± leathery tips. Leaves, stems and heads with tangled appressed hairs. Robust, erect or prostate herbs Gamochaeta
Leaf surfaces contrasting in colour and/or hairiness
Heads not hidden amongst woolly hairs.
Leaves with distinctly paler usually furrowed midrib on the upper surface, oblanceolate to spathulate, up to 7 cm long and 15 mm wide. Heads in axillary clusters in a dense spike-like panicle. Involucre 2–3 mm diam.; bracts scarious towards the top purplish. Annual or short-lived perennial herb up to 50 cm high. Widespread. Weed of cultivation and waste places. Introd. from America. Fl. summer. Purple Cudweed Gamochaeta coarctata