
Posterior petal outside lateral ones Faboideae
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Stipules fused within the leaf axil Pultenaea
Leaves with recurved margins; or, if flat, then paler or hoary underneath
Bract-stipules, when present, not conspicuously imbricate. Flowers either in terminal heads or in the upper axils. Keel not always dark-coloured
Stipules up to 10 mm long, narrow, appressed, concealing the branches. Leaves linear or almost so, up to 4 cm long, with thickened margins. Flowers in dense heads c. 3 cm diam. Ovary glabrous in the basal half. Shrub up to 2 m high, with few erect branches. Widespread. DSF, usually in sheltered places. Ss Pultenaea stipularis
Stipules less than 5 mm long. Ovary pubescent all over