Euphorbia L.

Stipules minute or absent Euphorbia
Floral leaves green or yellowish
Most leaves usually more than 4 cm long
Stem leaf margins entire. Leaves up to 16 cm long, oblong-lanceolate, sessile, decussate. Umbels with 2–5 rays; floral leaves large, ovate-lanceolate. Involucral glands with short blunt horns. Stout, glaucous biennial. Widespread. Weed. Introd. from Europe and Asia. Fl. summer. Caper Spurge Euphorbia lathyrus
Stem leaf margins finely toothed. Leaves up to 60 mm long; linear to oblong-elliptic; alternate. Floral leaves ovate 8–20 mm long. Perennial with 2 or more stems up to 80 cm high. Occasionally naturalized. Introd. from Africa Euphorbia depauperatapubescens