Eleocharis R.Br. >

Leaves reduced to scales sheathing the base of the culms Eleocharis
Culms transversely septate only or not septate. Glumes with a few nerves only or nerveless either side of midrib
Culms not transversely septate. Spikelet c. 5 mm wide or less. Glumes membranous, with a distinct midvein, usually distinctly keeled. Spikelets much wider than the culms unless the latter is flat
Style 2-fid. Culms mostly 5–15 cm high, angular, 0.4–0.6 mm wide. Sheaths purplish at base. Spikelets ovoid-oblong or ovoid, dark coloured, 3–7 mm long, c. 2 mm wide. Perennial, sometimes with short stolons or rhizomes. Coast. Swamps, sometimes wholly submerged except the inflorescences E. minuta minutaE. minuta