Ehrharta Thunb.

Two sterile lemmas present below the terminal bisexual floret, usually awned terminally (Fig. 49f) Ehrharta
Sterile lemmas with long or short silky hairs
Spikelets 12–15 mm long. Perennial up to 1 m high. Leaf blades 4–7 cm long. Panicle 6–9 cm long. Coast. Pastures; weed. Introd. from S. Africa. Fl. spring–summer. Pypgrass Ehrharta villosa
Spikelets less than 6 mm long. Perennial up to 60 cm high. Leaf blades 2–9 cm long. Panicle 7–22 cm long. Widespread. Pastures; weed. Introd. from S. Africa. Fl. spring–summer. Perennial Veldtgrass Ehrharta calycina