Digitaria Haller f. >

Glumes 2 with 1 sterile lemma (Fig. 50 a) Digitaria
Rhachis with spikelets to the base or devoid of spikelets up to 1 cm from the base
Spikelets hirsute to glabrous
Plants with long prostrate stolons and tufted culms
Spikelets pubescent with short fine hairs with verrucose walls, 1.3–1.8 mm long. Lower glume absent or minute; upper glume equalling the sterile lemma and both as long as the spikelet. Racemes usually 2–3, subdigitate, 3–8 cm long. Upper leaf sheaths glabrous. Stoloniferous annual with culms up to 50 cm high. Coast. Fl. summer Digitaria longiflora