Darwinia Rudge

Staminodes present alternating with the stamens Darwinia
Leaves laterally compressed; lower surface keeled. Flowers usually 2–6 per cluster, rarely 8
Bracteoles shorter than the perianth, deciduous or persistent
Sepals more than three-quarters as long as the petals
Floral tube 7–12 mm long. Style 12–20 mm long. Petals becoming dark red. Leaves opposite, triangular in cross-section, 8–18 mm long, 0.5–1 mm wide. Flowers 4–6 per cluster. Shrubs with main stems prostrate and rooting; branches ascending to 50 cm high. Woronora Plateau. DSF. Fl. winter Darwinia grandiflora
Floral tube 3–5 mm long. Style 4–9 mm long. Petals white to pink. Leaves decussate, triangular in cross-section, 6–11 mm long, 0.5–1 mm wide. Flowers 2–4 per cluster. Erect to ascending shrub up to 1.5 m high. Coast and adjacent plateaus. Heath and DSF. Ss. Fl. spring–summer Darwinia diminuta