Conyza Less.

Flower heads pedunculate; plants not woolly Conyza
Outer florets with white ligules c. 1 mm long. Involucre c. 2 mm diam, glabrous or with a few hairs
Stems glabrous or sparsely hairy. Leaves linear to oblong mostly up to 5 cm long, entire or crenate. Heads in spike-like panicles. Inner surface of the involucral bracts whitish, often with a red spot at the apex. Pappus cream. Erect annual up to 50 cm high. Coast. Weed on sandy soils. Introd. from S. America. Fl. summer–autumn Conyza parva
Stems conspicuously hairy. Leaves oblong to linear, up to 10 cm long, lower ones toothed. Heads in spreading panicles. Inner surface of the involucral bracts brownish, without a red spot at the apex. Pappus cream. Erect annual up to 1.5 m high. Widespread. Weed of cultivation and waste places. Introd. from N. America. Fl. most of the year. Canadian Fleabane Conyza canadensiscanadensis