
Outer perianth segments green, herbaceous; leaf sheath closed (i.e., the margins fused) Commelinaceae
Fertile stamens 2–3, filaments glabrous or bearded
Inflorescence not enclosed in a folded leafy spathe but often with 2 leaf-like bracts at the base
Leaves less than 10 cm long. Fruit dehiscent, small, inconspicuous
Some or all the filaments bearded. Ovary 3-locular Murdannia
Herb with creeping stems. Internodes with a line of dense hairs. Leaves linear-lanceolate, 2–8 cm long, sometimes slightly folded, apex acuminate. Flower in a terminal mostly 1-flowered inflorescence. Petals pale pink to purple, obovate. Garden escape. Damp places. Introd. from E. Asia. Fl. autumn Murdannia keisak
Weak, perennial herb. Stems erect, 10–60 cm high. Leaves linear, usually 6–10 cm long, sometimes much longer, basal with a few cauline leaves. Flowers in a terminal irregularly branched panicle. Petals usually mauve or pink, ovate, c. 10 mm long. Coast. Uncommon Murdannia graminea