Chenopodium L.

Stamens 4–5 Chenopodium
Plants decumbent or with trailing stems
Leaves green on both surfaces or slightly mealy underneath
Leaves pinnatisect into ± linear segments, alternate, glandular-pubescent, green on both surfaces, 2–12 cm long. Flowers bisexual, in clusters of 2–5 subtended by a bract or small leaf; clusters in a leafy panicle. Perianth usually 3-lobed (sometimes 5-lobed). Stamens 5. Fruit membranous; perianth enclosing the fruit ovoid-oblong, 2 mm long. Seed reddish-brown. Prostrate or ascending, perennial herb with stems up to 50 cm long. Near Sydney. Waste places. Introd. from S. America. Fl. summer. Scented Goosefoot Chenopodium multifidum
Leaves coarsely sinuately lobed, 1–4 cm long, green on both surfaces but with glandular hairs, oblong or ovate in outline. Flowers in short axillary clusters. Perianth less than 1 mm long. Annual, decumbent herbs