Chamaesyce Gray >

Stipules present, distinct, interpetiolar Chamaesyce
Leaves 4–8 mm long, elliptic, ovate or ovate-oblong, opposite, in 2 ranks, often bluish green. Plants mostly less than 30 cm across. Cyathia solitary, axillary. Involucral glands red with a pink or white appendage. Fruit 2 mm long
Stems pubescent. Fruits variously pubescent
Stem with a single longitudinal band of hairs. Leaves mostly c. 3 mm wide. Fruit fringed with hairs on the angle. Seeds with many prominent transverse wrinkles. Coast and adjacent plateaus. Weed in gardens. Introd. from trop. America. Fl. spring–summer. Red Caustic Weed Chamaesyce prostrata