
Style capitate or obscurely lobed Brassicaceae
Fruit dehiscent from the base
Fruit at least twice as long as broad (usually much longer) cylindrical or ± compressed (rarely quadrangular)
Fruit quite cylindrical or compressed
Fruit cylindrical, usually 3-veined. Seeds in 1 row in each loculus. Cotyledons incumbent Sisymbrium
Fruits 3–10 cm long, spreading
Plants grey pubescent. Fruits 6–10 cm long, 1–2 mm diam., rigid, cylindrical, on thick pedicels 3–4 mm long. Branches of the mature inflorescence ± erect but not rigid. Widespread. Weed of waste ground; roadsides. Introd. from the Mediterranean. Wild Mustard Sisymbrium orientale
Plants glabrous or nearly so. Fruits 3–4 cm long, 1 mm diam., on pedicels 6–8 mm long. Coast and Cumberland Plain. Weed of waste ground; roadsides. Introd. from temp. Eurasia. London Rocket Sisymbrium irio