Banksia L.f.

Fruit a woody follicle. Flowers in pairs in each bract, Inflorescence usually ovoid or cylindrical >5 cm long . Banksia
Style straight or gently curved from near the base
Leaves not white underneath, 10–25 cm long
Mature leaves rusty brown-tomentose and strongly reticulate underneath, ovate-oblong, mostly 10–25 cm long, 2–8 cm wide, irregularly and coarsely serrate. Spikes 8–12 cm long, 7–8 cm diam., deep bluish green when young. Style spreading; pollen presenter very small. Shrub c. 1 m high with densely tomentose branches. Coast and adjacent plateaus. Swamps. Fl. summer ( Hybrids between B. robur and B. oblongifolia occur) robur
Mature leaves with greyish or brownish hairs underneath or almost glabrous, green on both surfaces, with parallel transverse veins, margins coarsely and evenly serrate