Austrostipa S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett

Lemma variously hairy. Culms not branched at the nodes
Awn glabrous or pubescent with appressed hairs less than 1 mm long
Lower glume (or both) truncate, sometimes with 1–3 fine points irregularly placed
Glumes 15–25 mm long, subequal. Lemma 10–12 mm long; awn 6–9 cm long, with 1 or 2 bends; the column of the awn 3–5 cm long. Panicle up to 30 cm long, spreading. Leaf blades 20–30 cm long, inrolled. Tufted perennial up to 1.5 m high. Widespread. Usually on sandy or stony soils. Fl. summer. Tall Spear Grass Austrostipa pubescens
Lower glume 9–15 mm long; the upper shorter. Lemma 6–9 mm long; awn 2–7 cm long with 1–2 bends. Lower glume 9–15 mm long. Panicle spreading, 20–40 cm long. Leaf blades up to 40 cm long, inrolled. Tufted perennial up to 1 m high. Widespread. Usually on sandy soils. Fl. most of the year Austrostipa rudis