Austrodanthonia H.P.Linder

Hairs on lemma not arranged as above, varying in length and density, arranged in tufts or rows Austrodanthonia
Body of the lemma with abundant hairs scattered over the back
Either; the lateral lobes of the lemma not twice as long as the body of the lemma; or the body 3 mm long or longer
Lateral lobes of the lemma shorter than the body of the lemma. Spikelets 7–10 mm long, with 3–5 florets. Lemma 4–6 mm long; lateral lobes minutely awned or awnless; central awn reflexed. Tufted perennial up to 50 cm high. Leaf blades fine, usually inrolled. Panicle ovate, up to 4 cm long, compact. Cumberland Plain. Grassland and open forest on clay soils. Fl. spring–summer Austrodanthonia carphoides
Lateral lobes of the lemma as long as the body of the lemma or longer